Our story began when we looked around and realized that there was no easy way to get a cook for your home. Finding a cook who speaks your language, cooks according to your taste and is professional is a difficult task, something that we thought of solving for everyone.
We are a team of young entrepreneurs who are genuine lovers of good food. While living so far away from our home town for years now, one thing that we dearly miss is our "home-cooked food".
On shifting homes from one place to other, our only way of finding a cook was recommendation by the apartment security guard which we had to blindly trust on without having any background checks etc in place. Not even to mention the countless number of unplanned time-offs my cook took in a month, I always had to settle for the greased Dal & over-spiced veggies.
I never had the courage to change my cook because the process of getting a new one is even more scarier than adjusting with the current one.
Soon after I realized that I was not alone in this struggle. Every second colleague or friend had similar stories to share.
So we decided to build Cooknextdoor with a goal to simplify the process of hiring a cook & making the whole process much more convenient. Along with it, also to add a degree of professionalism in this vast sector & giving the long due dignity of labor to those who bring a smile on our face with the hot supper.